This week I’m talking to Brandi Lytle of Not So Mommy about her work, her infertility journey, and the unexpected joy she found in being a host mom to a foreign exchange student.
You can learn more about Brandi at NotSoMommy and find her on Instagram and Facebook.
Thank you, Lisa, for giving me the opportunity to share part of my story with the LWB family! 🙂
Thank YOU, Brandi. It was great getting to know you better. -x-
Big hugs to both of you, with much gratitude for all you’ve contributed to our community. xoxo
Thank you! I truly enjoy being a part of this tribe. 🙂
Wow your story sounds exactly like ours. We tried to have children, lost about 7 adoptions and after retirement became Host Exchange Students. We loved having Yehjin for a year.
Now I am a widow, no longer have my husband but I feel like being a parent for a year helped me in my Journey. I now travel alot and have learned to love life no matter where you are at in your Journey
Lenita, first, I am so sorry about your failed adoptions and the loss of your husband. It sounds like you are a strong lady indeed, as you “have learned to love life no matter where you are at in your journey.” I admire your positive attitude. 🙂
I agree that being a host parent also helped my healing and my journey. It truly was the best six months of my life. I encourage anyone who will listen to give hosting a try!