In honor of Thanksgiving, I’m continuing Life Without Baby tradition. Instead of the usual Whiny Wednesday, I want to ask you this:
What are you grateful for?
Often when we’re in the thick of grief it’s hard to find anything positive, but my Thanksgiving wish for you is to find a patch of sunshine this week.
Next week we’ll get back to whining. 😉
Grateful for life, health and being able to travel to spend time with Family
I live by this saying
Dont be sad for what you dont have but be happy for what you do have
I forget every day how blessed I am.
I have family and friends that love and support me always.
My husband is my rock. God blessed me with a husband who is slow to anger and quick to forgive when I’m being a little, let’s say “difficult” or “punchy”.
I have a job where I get to visit with over 100 children and love on them each day. I work with kindergarteners in all of their classrooms and it’s the best job ever!
And the best blessing I have is a relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is my pilot and without Him I wouldn’t have the strength I need to face life’s struggles.
Happy Thanksgiving friends!
I am grateful for recovery from the deepest grief of infertility, something I never thought was possible.
I am grateful that I am functional again and even happy, despite the fact that I never got to be a mom and raise children.
I am grateful for other infertility bloggers because I know they are a big reason why I am this far in my recovery.
I am grateful for the new life that I have created. It is a life I want to live.
I am grateful for this site, my husband, parents, friends and my cats. All have brought me much needed comfort.