A TIME magazine cover story awhile ago, “The Childfree Life,” came with an image of an attractive (and color-coordinated) couple lounging on a tropical, white sand beach, seemingly without a care in the world, resplendent in their designer sunglasses. That image prompted this week’s Whiny Wednesday topic:
The assumption that if you don’t have kids you have money to burn
Whine away, my friends.
OMG yes this! Exactly this … “I would be having 4 holidays a year if I didn’t have kids” well the reality is for me anyway, I still have bills, I still have a lifestyle to maintain, my pay is ok not fantastic, I still have household things go wrong that cost a lot of money, car trouble etc having children doesn’t mean we childless people don’t endure the same troubles that life may throw at you!
I don’t… but people don’t believe. They have preconceptions…
This one has always burned. I find similar assumptions with single people. Many coupled up double income earners don’t appreciate how much harder it is financially when you are single including the emotional impact of that. ie you can’t risk your job when you are the only one servicing the mortgage. Oh yes, holidays every year and no problem if the fridge breaks down.