I’ll say right up front here that, while I’ve been aware of the existence of Melissa Ford and her Stirrup Queens blog for a number of years, I’ve always stayed away.
One of the hardest parts of coming to terms with being childless is the constant lure of the miracle treatment. I know I’m over it, and I understand that some precise combination of yoga, asparagus, and ground yak horn is not going to fix my dodgy ovaries, but I can never help thinking what if? For this reason, I’ve steered clear of any fertility websites that are still in the TTC mode.
Regardless, I ventured over to Stirrup Queens recently and was pleasantly surprised to find that Mel now has a whole section of blogs devoted to living childfree after infertility, and that some of my favorite blogettes have their sites listed.
So, this week is IComLeaveWe, or International Comment Leaving Week, on Stirrup Queens. There’s a full explanation here: [link] but basically, the idea is to support this community of bloggers by posting comments of five blogs every day for the week of February 21-28 (plus replying to one comment on your own blog, if you have one.)
So, in the spirit of community, I will be lurking around the blogosphere this week, catching up on what others are doing. Here is Mel’s list of blogs that are covering the “childfree after infertility” point of view. I plan to visit these and others on my own blogroll, and bring back my favorites to share.
- A Fresh Start
- Apron Strings for Emily
- BarrenChemist
- Barren, Broken, and Beginning Again
- (NOT) Coming to a Uterus Near You
- Coming2Terms
- Crashing, Burning, & Getting Back Up
- The Fertile Soul
- Forever Reaching
- La Belette Rouge
- Life Without Baby
- Making Toy Soldiers
- The Miss Ruby
- My So-Called Life
- my whole is greater than the sum of my parts
- My Words Fly Up, My Thoughts Remain Below
- No Kidding in NZ
- Plan B: Family of Two
- That Girl with Endo
- Upon Awakening…
If your blog isn’t listed, please add it here and I’ll put it on my tour.