By Lisa Manterfield
Exiting news! The first book in the Life Without Baby ebook series is out today. Workbook 1: Letting Go of the Dream of Motherhood is available on Amazon now and will be showing up at other online retailers over the coming weeks.
It’s been an interesting process to gather all that I’ve learned about this strange journey over the past years. I wish I’d known five years ago (or maybe even before then) that it was okay to let go of my quest. I wish I’d understood that the loss of my dream meant more than simply not having children and that it would affect the foundation of my identity, my relationships, and all my plans for the future. And I wish I’d known to give myself permission to grieve, instead of putting on a brave face and pretending everything was okay. At least I know that now.
I’ve learned so much from all of you as I’ve voiced my difficulties here and heard about yours. You have taught me so much about this issue and about myself. For that, I am very grateful.
I’m also enormously grateful to Kathleen for her help in crafting the book and then her brilliant work editing and proofreading the final manuscript. There’s so much that happens behind the scenes of this site that couldn’t happen without her.
So, please, grab yourself a copy of the book. It’s affordably priced at $2.99. Your support of these projects enables me to keep this site running without ads or fees. Don’t worry if you don’t have an e-reader. You can download a free App so you can read the book on your computer, phone, tablet, or maybe even your watch!
You can find Workbook 1 here. And if you can’t get enough, you can even pre-order Workbook 2. I’d love to get your feedback if you find them helpful.
This may be a Freudian slip, but the first sentence reads ‘Life with Baby’. Of course i know
what it should say. Congrats and look forward to reading it.
I blame the typo on finger cramps. Thanks for your keen eye.
Loove workbook #1!!! I’ve been crying the whole time but it has definitely been worth it!
Thanks Gladys. Sorry I couldn’t figure out how to include Kleenex.
~Lisa -x-
Thank you – I have been secretly visiting this site for the past year (to prepare myself if I needed to) and think this is what I have been waiting for. How do you let go of a lifetime of longing and dreams. I will read and come back with a comment. I have finally started to blog – probably a very important step
Unfortunately, I cannot access it with my UK Amazon account. Any suggestions
Hi Jane,
Glad to hear of your blogging. It’s a great way to express what often can’t be said to family and friends.
I’m mystified about the UK site. The book is there and for sale, so I’m not sure why it won’t let you buy when you log in. Sorry.
Thank you lisa – I logged into the UK site and put in your name as a search criteria and have been able to buy it and download a free kindle to PC. I have only read the first few pages but know already it will help me. I have been on the crazy train for 18 years actually trying and I’ve been on the longing train all my life it feels. I recall my first real baby envy at age 11 (I recall being jealous of the History and Home Economic Teacher when she was close to leaving). These early memories alone have kept me on it for far too long – I thought it must be my destiny. Thank you for replying – my first ever response. x
Glad you finally stopped lurking and came out to talk. Hope you’re finding the workbook helpful.
Congrats, Lisa! A much needed resource. As some LWB followers may know, I also wrote about it here: